Landscapes are a living thing. Inevitably things will die or outgrow their ideal form. What once thrived my not exist in that perfect state indefinitely. Landscapes are conceived in the design phase, built by contractors but are ultimately made overtime with good maintenance. Finding someone to properly maintain a designed landscape as the designer had envisioned may be difficult but is easily manageable with a good client, designer relationship.
A primary focus of my design work is to always design a landscape with each individual clients maintenance requirement at the forefront. With that in mind I can easily consult with design clients on how to maintain their landscapes on their own and provide a maintenance plan to carry the landscape into the future.
One of the more important aspects of plant material maintenance is proper pruning. Good pruning can be considered an art form, take Japanese Gardens for instance. Pruning and arboriculture advice for shrubs and small trees is a skilled trade that I am happy to provide as a service.
“Landscapes are made overtime with good maintenance.”
At the conclusion of your project I can assist with specific guidance of your newly planted landscape material. Most plant material wont need any type of pruning for a number of years but proper care and watering will be essential for establishment and long-term health. What this looks like is different for every species. Newly planted trees may need some guidance early on. This helps them to become a strong healthy tree with proper branch structure that wont become a hazard and will carry it through old age.
I can consult with you and/or your maintenance crew to form a maintenance plan that works best for you. I will always recommend that you leave specialty pruning up to a trained professional and not your typical maintenance crew. With that in mind we can make a plan for me to be as involved as you see fit. As always I am happy to teach clients that are interested in learning how to care for their own property.
My pruning techniques are focused on the health of the material at its core. After that the natural form of the particular species is considered to maximize it’s structure and silhouette. With ornamentals such as Japanese maples, good architecture is important to capitalize on the natural beauty inherent in the species. Some material may only need light maintenance pruning and other, older material, may need full reconstruction or even removal if it doesn’t fit the site goals. Every piece of material is different so it is important for me to see in person to provide the best method of approach.
I am trained in various arboriculture techniques as outlined by ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) but I only provide a limited amount of health advise and pruning services for shrubs and small trees. I do not provide traditional arborist services such as treating trees for health issues and do not work on large material. I can provide upfront science backed opinions about what to do with larger material but will always refer you to a certified arborist for their expertise in the mater. I will let you know the best approach before scheduling any work.
My services do not include debris removal but most debris can easily fit into a standard curbside compost bin. I will always leave the worksite clean and place materials in your specified location.